Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Translation exercise 1

Bob's site references some links to Turkish sites. That gave me the idea of trying to read Turkish news and see how much I can recognize. To the extent that I'm clueless, to that extent my motivation increases to work harder to learn more.

In this case, I chose this headline: Benzinde 4 yeni kuruş indirim. My translation is this: 4 new reductions of gasoline prices.

Since I had to struggle to get that much, that's my clue to work harder. My goal is to be able to finish reading a Turkish news article with a minimum of trips to my Turkish/English dictionary.

Note to "whining politically correct nitwits"

Another reason for me to like Bob Cromwell, author of the site I raved about in my previous post, is this quote from his background page: "The third person singular pronoun o means "he", "she", and "it" equally. So, all whining politically correct nitwits should learn Turkish immediately and use it exclusively."

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Turkish grammar on the web

Hey, look what I found—basics of Turkish grammar on the web. It's a freakin' gold mine of Turkish study material!

Google is the ever fertile search engine that led me to it. All I needed to do was decide to conduct a search on "Turkish grammar". This puppy was the first hit.

I decided to do the search because I was in the midst of practicing my Turkish via Rosetta Stone (RS). I found myself wanting to understand a point of grammar more clearly. RS is mainly a lot of pictures with Turkish words with the idea, apparently, being that you'll learn ostensively -- i.e., via showing you a thing or action and placing with it the appropriate word or words along with how they sound. Very helpful for this novice.

However, I also want to understand things. So, hearing and seeing "atın üstünde bir kız" (a girl atop a horse) along with practicing "oğlanın üstünde bir top" (a ball atop a boy), I wanted to break down the -ın ending of horse (at) and boy (oğlan). However, my usual Turkish grammar book is still in storage somewhere following my months long renovations project.

Hence my hope I could scare something up on the web. My expectations were low. What I found was gold.

I find it interesting this site was built by a man who's into a lot of heavy technical matters. I'm impressed, to put it gently.

Anyway, my thanks go to this fine fellow for producing another resource for me to sink my teeth into.
